Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Learn Your History Obama!

I am sure many of you watched the congressional address last night. Most of it was vague fluff as usual, but there was one point that I laughed out loud. Obama was trying to rally the crowd behind American industry. I am all for it. Unfortunately, he got one very important fact wrong, that blew the whole sentiment. At the end of a long and forceful paragraph about revitalizing American Auto, Obama said "Auto jobs belong in America, where the Automobile was invented!" Of course, everyone jumped up and started cheering, which made me sick after a while. I hate to tell you Obama but the internal combustion engine and the automobile where invented in German in 1885 by Karl Benz. The four wheeled vehicle was invented in 1890, same place, same person. Ooops.

This may seem small, but we are talking about a nationally televised speech that was written hours, if not, days before hand, not off the cuff.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Clinton Claims No Repsonsibility for Economic Crisis (feat. Dan Smith)

My good friend Dan Smith sent me an article today and asked me to blog about it. I will summarize, but if you want to read the full thing the article can be found HERE.

The article talks about the top 25 people to blame for the economic crisis, one name that was absent, Bill Clinton. In an interview with old Billy, he also denied any responsibility. Saying Bill Clinton had nothing to do with the crisis is like saying George Bush had nothing to do with. Who's administration pressured banks into giving risky loans because "everyone deserves a house"? Who's administration made banks turn in quota reports on how many loans they gave to blacks and Hispanics? Who's administration propped up HUD (Housing and Urban Development)? So basically he looks like the hero for 8 years because people are getting houses they could never afford. Meanwhile a huge financial bubble is growing that is sure to pop, but what does Bill care, he will be out of office long before that happens.

Everyone wants to blame the banks. "Oh, the bankers were so greedy" liberals say. How is greed rewarded when you give loans to people that, more than likely, won't pay them off? Where is the financial gain in giving $170k with no money down to a turd that makes $32k a year and has two car payments? Sounds like that is a quick way to be out $170k. If Freddy and Fanny (both are government sponsored enterprises) come in an buy up these bogus mortgages then the bank is off the hook. So who cares if you don't have any money for a down payment? Who cares if you work at Starbucks for $6.60 an hour? Who cares if you have child support, a dog, and a car payment? Who cares if you have bad credit because you were a complete financial delinquent in college? From 1992 to 2008 there was a bank out there that would give you a mortgage for $150k. With a ridiculous adjustable arm of course.

I digress. The previous paragraph was written to illustrate what was going on right under Bill Clinton's nose for 8 years. It looked good on paper, it sounded good in speeches. Everyone getting a house seems like a good idea right? Liberals thinks so. That is why liberalism DOESN'T WORK! A conservative (notice I didn't say republican) would say the same things, but with rational thought thrown in, allow me to demonstrate.....Everyone deserves a house, that worked for it. Everyone can have a mortgage, if they can afford it. It sounds good in speeches, if you explain how it can be done without it blowing up in our faces. It looks good on paper, if whats going out adds up to what coming in.

Granted, there is a lot more to all this but I summarized. With all that being said, come on Bill, fess up, you not only have some responsibility for the crisis, you started the wheels in motion. I challenge anyone to find fault in this blog.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

25 Reason Why Kasey Hunt Is an Impressive Person

I am writing this post because Kasey never stops amazing me. It is not to suck up or because I am in the dog house. It is just true. I want to make a list unique to Kasey, not generic things you could say about any good person. I have a feeling that anyone who knows Kasey can agree with this list.

25. Absolutely beautiful, start with an easy one
24. Can always tell when I am lying. The only time I ever lie to her is when I am trying to surprise her, but she can always tell.
23. Can find good in people even when there is not much good to find.
22. Can take her to a party and not worry about her fitting in or being a wall flower.
21. Good at making and sticking with a least very close.
20. Does a great Andy Burnard impersonation.
19. She laughs at my Andy Burnard impression "you've been Nard Dogged!!"
18. Comes from a great family and loves her sisters very much
17. Feels compelled to go out of her way to help other people before helping herself.
16. Has never complained about me not doing the dishes, but always thanks me for the times I do.
15. Has never snored or farted in her life.
14. Can actually do something constructive while she is sick. I just lay in bed like a quad when I am sick.
13. Likes Metallica, Guns n Roses, Ra, Breaking Benjamin, AC/DC, and my songs (that one is huge)
12. Knows how to pull on the teet of a cow and actually get something to come out without the cow trying to kick her.
11. Can rearrange an entire bedroom set by herself. Dresser, bed, nightstands, hope chest, I don't know how, but when I come home it is moved.
10. The official "making the bed" count is 3,588 to 1 in her favor.
9. If she wants to do something, she does it or makes sure it gets done. If she decides she wants a room painted, it is painted that day.
8. Understands the importance of prayer, reading scriptures, and the roll of God in our daily life.
7. Gets along with Wilson and Sharon even when their own son doesn't sometimes.
6. No one cuts coupons or saves more for the sake of the family like Kasey.
5. Cooks a warm dinner and always makes sure everyone else is served first.
4. Is humble enough to laugh at herself when she knows she said something silly.
3. Willing to play board games, listen to the Wiggles, and watch sponge bob with the kids. All mind numbing tasks.
2. Can listen to me drone on about politics for hours and at the end say "I can see your point".
1. Thanklessly performs all the tasks of a super mom, wife, sister, daughter with ease and grace.

If you disagree with any of the above, you don't really know Kasey Hunt. I hope this compells you to make a "top 25" list for the one you love.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

In Response to My Wife Crying: Let the Defense Be Heard

Back story, take a look at "big girls don't cry" at

ok ok, now that we have had several women (and Christian) weigh in, I think it is time for the truth to be heard. I read ALL the comments left, and about 75% of you ladies cannot disconnect pain and sadness crying. I never said any thing about never crying, or it isn't OK to show emotion. Pain, is NOT an emotion, it is a sensory stimulation from the outside coming in. True emotional feeling is a chemical release or a nervous system response, from the inside going out. It is OK to cry if you are sad, emotionally hurt, or extremely happy. cool, whatever. but we are grown adults here people, we are not kids on the play ground. To say it is OK to do things our kids do is about as smart as bragging to your boss that "I just pooped on the potty" in the middle of a business meeting. Raise the level people.
A lot of the comments started out good with "I can't remember the last time I cried because of pain", which made me happy to see, but then ended with "cry it out girl" or "if it hurts, cry". Are you ladies afraid of being decisive? Quit trying to be so bipartisan, McCain.
Kasey, I know your family, I know your dad, he would tell you to suck it up too! Dick doesn't take any mess!
Bottom line, part of growing up and being adults is reacting to the outside world appropriately. Not throwing temper tantrums, not pouting cause we didn't get our way, not yelling in a quite restaurant, etc. part of that is not crying because we have an ouie.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Stimulsuck package

I am having a tough time following the spin from both sides on this one (stimulus package). The left is SO sure that this is exactly what we need. This will create jobs, boost economy, build confidence in the stock market again, and confirm Obama's spot on Mt Rushmore. The right is convinced that this is the end of the world as we know it. This will cause out of control inflation, bolster bubbles in the market, dive the country into debt we will never get out of, and plain and simply waste a ton of tax payers money on things like "a Frisbee park in Texas".
So, how does the average person sift through all the talking heads and media spin? The only thing we have to do is take a look at American history. Very few problems we face today have never been seen before. This country has seen almost everything economically, morally, emotionally, and spiritually in the past. So, a rational and smart person would figure that history repeats itself and we should learn from what the people before us did. Learn what to do as well as learn what not to do. We also know that doing the same things over and over and expecting different results is insane. Lets look at the great depression. How did we get out of that? The New Deal? Gov. intervention? If you believe either of the former worked you are surly an Obama supporter or know nothing about history, take your pick. If the New Deal worked than why did it take WWII to change the unemployment rate a significant amount. The new deal was instituted in the early 30's. We didn't join the war until Dec 8th, 1941. Point number two, the companies that really boomed in the 30's where entertainment, big oil, and auto. All of which did not receive any money from the government. If anything the government put up barriers for the auto industry by siding with the union when they decided to strike in a GM factory in Flint, MI. "But Quentin, Obama wants to invest in wind power and solar panels and ethanol, what is wrong with that. That will make us energy independent." Energy independence is an oxymoron, we will NEVER be independent of energy. OK, if windmills and solar panels were such a good idea, cost efficient, time efficient and space efficient, a talented entrepreneur would have found a way to get rich off it a long time ago. but guess what, coal and hydro plants are still more cost, time, and space efficient, so that is what people are going to buy. Even if these things where a good idea, who is really paying for them? Taxes. So basically we are paying for the plants to be put up and then we will have to pay ridiculous amounts monthly for the power they supply.
It really doesn't matter what I think, this things is going to get passed no matter what. How will success be measured? Will Obama hang a banner reading "mission accomplished" from a AC carrier after a month? (smooth move Bush) Will it be measured by the stock market? (which has fallin every time Obama publicly talks about the package) Unemployment rates? I am sure that any increase in the market from this point on, Obama will take full credit for. If things don't recover right away it will be because Bush left us with too much debt and those evil Republicans don't support the Dems. Basically Obama can do no wrong in this situation, according to the media and other Dems.
I am a firm believer that this country would be better off if Obama fired half the people in Washington and sat in the oval office for the next four years and fell asleep like Rip Van Winkle, than if he passes this thing or any other policy he has in mind.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Top 5 Athletes of All Time

OK, this is a really broad subject. It could be athletes you found inspirational or exciting. It could be athletes that rank the highest in shear athletisism. What ever you want. For me, I get more of a thrill out of people I have actually played with or have seen in person than on TV.

5. Ben Dewar (LSSU basketball.... This kid can fly, still one of the most talented players I have ever had the pleasure to play with)
4. Larry Bird Not the most athletic, but exciting to watch
3. Randy Hunt For those of you that know him, you know why he made the 3 spot on my list. pound for pound one of the most athletic, intense, and die hard athletes I know.
2. Vince Carter CRAZY athletisism
1. Michael Jordan Lets face it, he made the term "athletic" what it is today. he was the pioneer of a lot of things we see today. extremely exciting to watch.

now lets see yours

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Am I In Bazzaro World?

Ok, I just got done watching the Super Bowl. During the post game celebration the owner of the Steelers actually thanked Obama for the win and for rooting for them and being such a good fan!! A few days before the game the Obama crazed media asked him who he wants to win (as though it mattered) and he said, "since the Bears are not playing I want the Steelers to win". So all of a sudden he is a Steelers fan and supported the team? Does the world revolve around Obama now. I feel like the world is laughing at a really funny joke...and I am sitting in the corner, silent, becuase I don't get it.