Thursday, January 29, 2009

Power of Public Creative Expression

I saw one of the most powerful, homemade bumper stickers today. I was driving north on 131 in Michigan, when I passed a old mid 90's Ford Ranger. I was going about 75, he 65, so I passed him rather fast. Just before I made the pass I caught a homemade slogan stuck to the back of his cap. It was pasted on with the type of lettering you would use to put your name on your mailbox. I thought I saw something interesting so i slowed down and got behind the man long enough to read it. What I saw summed thousands of words. Summed up what many conservative talk radio hosts and many bloggers have been trying to say for years. It was creative, witty, and simple. I passed the man and gave him thumbs up, he smiled and returned the gesture. The crudely made message read "Born 7-4-1776 Died 11-4-2008"

Monday, January 26, 2009

US Mainstream Media or 1938's Propaganda

This is going to be fast, I don't have much time. The powers that be will yank this post any second! Just kidding. I really don't feel I am that far from the truth though.

I have been thinking about this blog for the past few weeks. Today's mainstream media is extremely similar to 1938 Nazi Germany's propaganda. First lets look at the similarities and then we will examine the differences.

Similarities: The powers that be, Government, special interest groups, advertisers, etc, only tell us what they want us to hear. We don't get fair or unbias reporting on politics from any of the news channels. Many experts are defining 2008 as "the year that journalism died". I could not agree more. The Obama mania media is a perfect example. Just like WWII propaganda they only give good news about their side. "Everything is great, this guy is a God, he will change the mess we are in". Do you really think that all of Germany was crazy like Hitler? No, they just didn't know what he was really doing. Hitler came to power because he had great marketing, powerful speaking skills, and Germany's economy was in shambles, sound like anyone else we know? The Nazi party had total control over what the "common" German could hear or read. Much like CNN, MSNBC, C-SPAN, ABC, CBS, FOX or any other media outlet. Both give steady doses of glowing stories and gushing commentary about their party day after day. Obama and the Democratic party got more coverage than the republicans 4 to 1 in 2008. Obama could be for socialism, he could be for killing Jews, he could be for race wars, he could be for class warfare (I personally don't think he is) and we would never know about it because mainstream media would never let those stories see the light of day. When Hitler was campaigning he didn't say "I will kill Jews, I will rule with and iron fist, I will declare a dominant race". He promised generalities, vague descriptions of party plans. Basically, platforms that would appeal to anyone, like "change". Obama couldn't even answer the question "when does conception occur?" in fear of alienating a certain demographic. Hitler tried to be everything to everyone, not pin-pointing any one issue. Yet the propaganda machine praised his confident stance and outstanding speaking skills. Germany loved him, he got them out of the depression they were in, he fought for them to avenge the losses from WWI. He was in close contact with foreign leaders to reclaim lost land from WWI, land that German's saw as rightfully theirs. But he lied to foreign leaders, he rarely kept his end of the bargains, the citizens of Germany were completely unaware of this.
Think about it, when have we ever had a candidate that had so many suspicious relationships, Aires, Rev. Write, Resco, Chicago Politics, Blago, the list goes on. He even appointed a man who cheated on his taxes to the sum of $34,000 to make sure Americans don't cheat on their taxes! And yet, the media just says "oh, he made a mistake, all of us make mistakes, great appointment Obama".
He said he wants to make a civilian army, SS anyone?

Differences. I am not saying Obama is even close to Hitler. I am just saying the media is treating it much the same. He can do no wrong, even when he has done way more wrong than any other candidate in the history of the presidency. Do you think a white republican with the same type of suspect relationships would have even come close to becoming president? They were roasting Mrs. McCain for being rich, heaven forbid. They were riding McCain for having 7 houses, what about Obama's shady deal with Resco to buy one house? I digress. Another major difference is that we won't be drug out of our house for disagreeing with the media, I can write this post for instance. If you posted something like this in 1940, you could expect a knock on the door from the SS and not to be hear from again. It is nice we have freedom of speech. Also, we have conservative media too, it is just relagated to talk radio.

Bottom line, it just blows my mind the strong hold that liberals have on television, very similar to the stronghold Hitler had on propaganda.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Top 5 Contest

Ok gang, I am going to post periodic contests throughout the next couple of months. We all have read the "experts" list the top 5 movies, celebrities, songs, albums, or any other media. They never get it right. So now is your time to set them straight. Just leave a comment with your top 5.
Topic: Top 5 Singers of all Time (personal favorites, not who you think is technically good but you don't like their music.)
5. Benjamin from Breaking Benjamin
4. James Hetfield (Metallica)
3. Michael Jackson
2. Robert Plant (Led Zeppelin)
1. Freddy Mercury (Queen)

there you have it. lets hear yours!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Politics Round Two

First I have to say, Thank you so much to the ladies that came over from my wife's site. You all seem like very smart women (mostly because you agree with me).

I know what you ladies are saying about "bazzaro world". I really thought I was on some other planet or at least some other country. Is Michael Moore running the country now? Do we really have that many pro-socialists, pro-marxists, or dare I say, communists? I really felt like the "sheeple" (people that act like sheep) that listen to the politicians are buying snake oil. They bought the fancy package with a nice bow and ribbons on it, and inside.... POOP! That is all the democrats were doing, making socialism and Marxism sound reasonable. They didn't come out and say the words, but almost every plan they proposed was 100% unconstitutional and socialistic. I really thought to myself every time I watched a debate, especially the early ones with Hillary, "does feeling like your the last sane person in the country make you crazy?" I thought to myself, "who is dumb enough to buy into this pandering, pretentious, buzz word laden, socialistic, bullcrap?" and sure enough the CNN cameras would pan the room to show all the doe eyed, euphoric, crowd eating up every word as though it was the last supper (I am sure a last supper reference would be lost on those fools.... oh no, did I just make a Jesus reference in the same sentence with liberals?) Then the fat lady took the stage, Hillary went into a granola eating coffee shop and turned on the water works. I laughed at the terrible acting and thought for sure her goose was cooked, the wolf just stepped out of the sheep's clothing. But true to form, the liberals were "moved" by it. CNN interviewed a woman that was in the shop and she said, "I was going to vote for Obama, but when Hillary showed her softer side, I could relate to her and I am going to vote for her now". (dramatic pause).... I am so glad that my fellow Americans are basing their vote on a candidates ability to show "their softer side".

OK, so how are very smart, educated, fun, caring people that we all know and love, liberals? We all have friends, bishops, co-workers, and even family members that voted for Obama, put a sign up in their yard, maybe even went to a rally or two. It is the great American paradox, I am smart and I know I am right, but they are really smart too and they believe whole heartily they are right too, how can we both be smart and right? It all boils down to rational verse emotional. 95% of liberals view issues from a emotional point of view, they put feelings and personal relationships into the equation. Conservatives go on the facts, we think rationally, we believe we can learn from history and it does, in fact, repeat itself. We have faith in the American spirit and have faith in the good heartedness of our fellow man. Meaning, we feel people will do the right thing if a family member or someone in their community needs help. We don't need the government to take our money and tell us who needs help and who doesn't. Liberals believe the government will make the right decisions and "serve the people" (we have all seen that bumper sticker). I would love to make a bumper sticker that reads "democrats do people a dis-service". They truly feel that they serve the people. As though we are too dumb, feeble, victimized to serve ourselves. They think they are helping, most liberals are good hearted caring people, they mean well. If you treat someone like a victim, they will act like one. If you give a hunter/gatherer meat, he/she will stop hunting or stop creating ways to find food. If you make it easy or fashionable to have a baby out of wedlock, more people will do it. Simple cause and effect. "oh, but Quentin, you are so cold hearted not to help these people out". Did Jesus go around handing fish out? NO, he taught people to fish. Bail outs will give you money today, income tax cuts and jobs will give you money for life.
"Oh, but Quentin, what about the disabled and people that just can't work?" no such thing. I have worked in the community setting and hospital setting with people with disabilities my whole life, I have a 36 year old brother that functions at a 1st grade level and uses a walker to get around, and he has a job! I have probably worked with over 1000 people with disabilities and every single one, from the most functional to the least, can offer some skill. My brother shreds paper, sweeps halls, and cleans windows, all under the supervision of an aid. He gets government aid, but he works and so does the aid. My brother actually creates a job because he is disabled. I can handle my tax dollars going to programs like that. But when I see people who "claim" they are disabled because their back hurts or they are bi-polar, I want to take them to a summer camp or school and show them how functional people with REAL disabilities are. If you let people use their "label" or "diagnosis" as an excuse not to work, not many of them will find the motivation to push themselves. But if you treat someone with bi-polar like a strong, confident, self sufficient human being (instead of a poor victim) maybe they will act like one.
God Bless

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Not to Be Outdone, Lets Talk Politics

I have not written in 2 years. I am a huge turd. I have become very busy with other things and have neglected the blog once again. My wife is a blog pro, she is so much better than me at this thing, so I have to make amends.

I have a new job, Daiichi Sankyo Cardiovascular specialist, manager is the next step and I am sure I will blog again in two years telling you about that. The kids, 4 and 2 now. Ok, so far I haven't told you anything you couldn't learn from visiting my wife's site.

If anyone is reading this, it is not to get an update on my life, it is for my riveting outlook and ground breaking opinions, I am sure. So with out further delay. We have a new president now, and I am proud to say I did not vote for him. I have lost all hope in America's voting public. When I hear of the fickle reasons people my age voted for President Elect Obama it makes me sick. "He speaks so well", "we need change", "I am poor so I want free health care", "I wanted to be part of history by voting for the first black president", "I won't have to pay for gas or rent if he is president". Are you serious? What ever happened to voting for someone because they reflect your values and moral integrity? Not because you pick one thing out an extremely vague speech about poverty in America, or latch onto fleeting political promises. How about doing some real homework (not watching CNN or MSNBC or any other liberal media) like reading history books, read the constitution, take a look at some of the policies that got us in the mess we are in in the first place. In a way, you don't need to find anything out about the candidate at first, just learn a little bit about American history and governments role as defined by our founding fathers. Then, once you get a handle on that, start looking into candidates backgrounds, voting records, and platforms. I think if you ask the average Obama voter they couldn't give you 3 platforms or issues he supports. They just use the generic "change" default. I don't care if you have to go to his website to get his stance on issues, as long as you get it.

I know what you are saying now, "oh, typical McCain supporter". Nope, McCain was a dink too, they were both for big government and grandstanding. I voted for Chuck Baldwin. "Who the heck is Chuck Baldwin?" you say. He is the only candidate that stood for the same things that I do. Small government, low taxes, personal responsibility, and the constitution. Chuck didn't make crazy promises of what government was going to do, actually, he talked about what government wouldn't do, that is what impressed me. Lets look at it this way, if you are a hard working, honest, moral person here in America, what do you need the government for? The only thing you would need the government for is to protect you from the criminals and other people trying to take what you have earned away. That is it, no more, no less. If that is all the government actually did (police, roads, libraries, schools) you would only pay about $10 a pay check to the government. You wouldn't need welfare, you wouldn't need gov. health care, you wouldn't need "aid". You wouldn't need the government for anything really. Any problem that can be solved by the government, the private sector can do a much better job at solving . The economy for instance. Yeah the financial bail out is really doing wonders for our economy. Good call on that one Bush, Reid, Frank, and Pelosi. Lets not forget this is our tax money we are talking about. In simple terms, government just took 30% of everything we make and decided on how it should be spent, they felt it was better to turn that money over to the idiots that blew it all in the first place instead of reinvesting in our communities. Basically, that is like a teacher giving the class bully a longer recess because he wasted his on beating up kids for their lunch money.

I really think any one with a good moral compass, humility, and a strong grasp on American history can do a better job in politics than any of these idiots.
I am more than happy to hear anyone's comments on this post. I am actually happy when people disagree with me, it is nice to get all sides. fire away.