Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Two New Additions To the Family

Most of you probably already know this, my family had a new addition to it. Waylon Richard Hunt. He is a beautiful baby boy, just eats and sleeps like a good little baby should do. Lots of black hair. This is my stance on new babies, call me when they can walk and talk. I love the fact that we have another child in the family and I am excited to watch him grow but right now he is like a super computer in sleep mode. He has a lot of potential and you can tell he is going to be really fun......just not right now. Patients, Quentin, patients. The pros are that he can't talk back, all he does is cuddle, and he can't run away. So I need to take the good with the bad.

The other addition, my brand new shiney 120Gb slim PS3. Yes, I have joined the gaming revolution, a little late, but here I am! I don't get much time to play, only after 8:30pm. I make every minute count though. I am blown away by how far home gaming has come in just 20 years. I remember being absolutely face melted by the graphics of Top Gun on NES. Now I am killing Zombies with three other friends online while I talk to them on a headset in real time. So if any For the Masses fans out there want to "get their game on", give me a call and I will pass the remote or look you up online, just make sure it is after 8:30.