Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Top Ten Obama Lies

I am sure many of you have noticed that there is a huge difference between Obama the candidate and Obama the President. I am sure there are more lies than this, but this is the top ten.
1. End the war… LIE Started another one in Afgan
2. Not put lobbiest in cabinet.. LIE, he even put tax cheats and financial guys from AIG in the cabinet.. smooth Obama.
3. Will not sign any bills with ear marks…LIE, not only did he sign, he made no explanation for the 9000 earmarks in the Omnibus package. Then got upset when bonuses where handed out.
4. He will give everyone at least 5 days to read any stimulus packages on the internet…LIE he signed that thing before he could read it.
5. his administration will be completely transparent…LIE he had back room meetings with senators to sway their vote for the stimulus.
6. He will be “bi-partisan” when making bills…LIE Republicans were locked out of Palosi’s “dem club meeting”.
7. “I am not for big Government” .. LIE, too easy
8. “I will go line by line of the government budget and make trims where needed”….LIE he not only didn't go line by line, he made the largest budget ever seen.
9. Against government deficit spending. ..Lie, He has spent more in two months than any president in the history of time….oh yeah, and we were already trillions in debt.
10. Largest lie of them all. “THIS IS THE AGE OF RESPONSIBILITY”….LIE are you kidding me, this is the age of Entitlements, greed, colectivism, irresponsibility, and “gimmi-gimmi”

I am not a Dem, I am not a Rep. Why can’t Obama take a page out of history from some Dems that took strong stances on tough issues.
Roosevelt, 1933 -”The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself” So why is Obama out on a daily basis fear mongering?
Kennedy, 1961 -”Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”
so why do people come up to Obama with request for homes, cars, and checks in their mailbox’s?

Friday, March 20, 2009

Yes, I Will Defend Obama

As many of my readers know, I don't agree with many of Obama's policies, actions, or media hype surrounding him. BUT, I will defend anyone that is being attacked that doesn't deserve it. I am sure everyone has heard of Obama's Leno appearance and the comment he made concerning Special Olympics. If not, you can see it here.

I have a brother with special needs, I have been a volunteer for Special Olympics for several different sports, I worked at a camp for people with disabilities, and I assure you, people with disabilities and the people that care for them are not offended by the Presidents comments. I am sure the President did not mean to put down all the athletes of Special Olympics. The only people making a stink about this is over the top radio hosts and out of touch special interest groups. I seriously doubt parents of people with disabilities are upset about the comment.

Should the President have made the comment? No, it was a stupid comment. He has to know by now that everything he says is "on the record". Out of all the ridiculous, crazy, stupid, unrealistic things the President has said, this doesn't even rank in the top 50%. There are plenty of other things the media can focus on if they want to attack Obama. Finally, this issue does have some merit, it shows Obama isn't half the lingual juggernaut everyone thinks with out his tele-prompter. No wonder he takes those things everywhere.
let me know what you think.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Cool Site: MeStew.com

I have been taking a look at a new site, www.mestew.com
it is a cool little multi-topic site. take a look and let me know what you think.