Thursday, January 21, 2010

Do You Believe In Magic?

An amazing thing has happened in this country. Scott Brown has been elected by the people of Mass. I am excited and thrilled even though I don't live in Mass. Why is this so huge? This means that anything can happen now. This could mean a true conservative uprising is on the horizon. People are actually coming to their senses. They realized that campaign promises by a charming smooth talker is worth less than The View is to daytime television (thats pretty worthless). It proves that ever since Obama has been elected everything he touches turns to crap. I must admit, he was unstoppable during the campaign, he was golden, he could do no wrong......but now? Lets just say, if I were interviewing for a job the last person I would put as a reference right now is Barack Obama. If a Conservative can win in Mass., anything is possible.


Duncan said...

Quentin, interesting blog....Kasey led me to it just now. I used to have a very political oriented blog and website but backed of. Politics-though I love it-is much more complicated then the headlines, pundits, and talking heads lead us to believe. Writing about politics or certain politicians is just pure speculation. I have discovered that the best way to stay informed without all the extraneous commentary is to simply tune in to C-Span. About the "conservative uprising"...conservative by who's definition? For example; you and my mother both consider yourselves to be Conservative, but something tells me your political views might not be the same. Anyway, yeah Brown winning in Mass. was a big deal; even making the German headlines...I'm just wondering how Brown's victory is going to help some unemployed guy in say...Mississippi...who is uninsured and whose wife has just been diagnosed with breast cancer.Whose pay'en the bill? I'm not saying Obama's way is right mind you (frankly, I think a year is not enough time for him to even find his way to the West Wing basement bathroom) but the partisan brouhaha going on in Washington right now (and it is equally distributed) isn't helping anyone. I love the blog though. Keep writing and I'll keep reading.

qhunt said...

Oh, I will keep writing for sure. I take long breaks but when i am back, I am back. I will post right now about the state of the union.